Energy in relation to 5G, covid and good health. 

Everything is energy and it's the most powerful force, but what roles does it play in these contexts and how can it be used for improvement?

Everything on this planet is created & controlled by energy (including the immune system, bodily functions and individual particles/organisms as well as thoughts and emotions). 
Energy in the form of electromagnetism can carry information, which is the basis of all communication (within and in between bodies). 
These electromagnetic waves are natural and harmonic, unlike modern interfering/polluting versions (electro-smog) which can do the following: 

⦁ Create symptoms & illness with el-smog (from mobile phones, Wi-Fi etc.). These disturbances are fundamental since they (like electromagnetism) have the potential to affect anything - including nature

⦁ To directly affect viruses & their functions via synthetic human-controlled versions of viruses and mRNAs, which enter the body in different ways (i.e. via "vaccines" where we know that these synthetic mRNAs exist). 

⦁ There are nanoparticles that can communicate digitally wirelessly (much like Wi-Fi), e.g. with Graphene and "smart dust" (which can get in almost anywhere).

Graphene (a substance of densely packed carbon atoms) has many & also advanced properties and its use has greatly been increased within medicine and industry.
G is found in vaccines as well as certain masks and PCR tests (healthcare sector), and is widely used in the IT / telecom sector ... since G has many electro-active properties and is often superior to competing materials. It is used for wireless communication and for touch screens (smart phones, pads etc). [1]

In addition to graphene, touchscreens cause leaking chemicals (Liquid crystal monomers/LCM) that even affect mRNA functions

The risks of graphene are many - it can interact with neurons (and be integrated into cells) and remotely controlled and be magnetic. When graphene is oxidized* it can create blood clots, lower the immune system (and glutathione level) and (if inhaled) inflame the lungs and throat (which can disable the sense of smell/taste).
* Occurs i.e. via radiation. And in vaccines, for example, there is manufactured graphene oxide. [1] 

The fact that "Graphene Flagship" (2013) is the EU's largest research project (with over EUR 1 billion in budget, tens of patents and 5G cooperation) makes it all the more interesting.

Above we see several connections between el-smog and COVID, and here is another:

The use of the 60 GHz frequency (which does not require a permit) has increased, and 60 GHz has a direct effect on the oxygen molecule both in the air and in the body. This affects both oxygen uptake and respiration itself - a problem that is often linked to COVID. Oxygen is important for health in many ways. [2]

El-smog has increased a lot during the 2000s (mainly due to mobile telephony), and the expansion of telecom has continued at a high pace despite much else being slowed down due to the "COVID pandemic". 

"5G" has been in focus for a few years now, but it does not matter if it is called 4G or 6G - it is the destructive character of this radiation and exposure that makes it bad for your health.**

Health impact of el-smog is physical but can also affect thoughts and feelings (and may create a technological addiction).  Some of the el-smog symptoms are similar to the COVID symptoms.

** Signal frequency is often less important (sometimes people think that higher frequency = worse). We have many different frequencies naturally in our body - from extremely low *** to extremely high. The difference from el-smog is that these are harmonious.

*** The lowest frequency in our body comes from Delta brain waves (~ 0.5 - 4 Hz) during deep sleep where our health-critical recovery takes place. Sleep problems and burnout have increased at the same time as el-smog


Since energy is so powerful, we find the solutions to our challenges here. 
There are two important types of energy work that help us:

Frequency medicine (equipment sends harmonic waves in the right frequency to the right place in the body) has long helped people with different types of problems. [3]

Even more effective is the internal energy work - yoga & meditation and other things that strengthen your esoteric energy from within (awareness, happiness, love). Helps to feel light and have high vibrations (preferably also energy treatments / "healing"), and gives you energy protection (or healing) against both el-smog and viral disease.
Also helps to stand firm in the storm, feel calm and see clearly ... which is especially important in these times of extreme disinformation, slander / judgment and separation.

Spirituality is always important, but even more now in these crazy Corona* times
And we need to choose if we want 5G or 5D
Corona = Crown (kings crown or crownchakra i.e.)

More health tips (which are not energy-based) ... + the effectiveness of prevention - e.g. by reducing / removing el-smog. One positive thing is that electro-smog disappears as soon as the transmitter is turned off. 

Everything is energy, and energy never disappears - it is only transformed.
Feelings are energy. How simple can it be to transform fear energy into love energy?

 - - - 

Reference list

1] Graphene - common in the new "vaccines" and likely driver of "COVID-19":
Magnetic particles in vaccine. + + interacts with neurons and is remotely controlled. + superconductive and integrative  with cells. + particles become magnetic at body temperature + study shows high levels of Graphene in vaccine [juni 2021]. + Graphene in powderform can increase risk and exposure. [study 2011]
+ Swedish company Ziccum produces vaccine in powderform. [jan 2021]. Story + video about it. [june 2021]. + Another swedish company, and Pfizer, are now doing the same. [juni 2021] . 

Official website of the Graphene Flagship.

2] Oxygen and breathing: 

3] Frequency medicine:   och . 

More about the spiritual perspective: Charles Eisenstein: "The Coronation". 
+ Heather Ensworth: "Astrology and the meaning of the Coronavirus" (Youtube) 

Some links and references are in swedish. Please use an e-translator

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